How has your week been? I've had a very intense week to say the least, but it's been a good one all the same. All the pupils came back from their trip to Europe and were back at school on Tuesday, so then things were back to normal - meaning lots of hustle and bustle going on :) But it was very fun to see everyone again, even though I really enjoyed only having one pupil :) On Wednesday we had a sports day where all the kids in the school (aged 6-16) played a sport that is similar to baseball, but the rules are much simpler. We had lots of fun, even though it rained after lunch when the winning team met the teachers. We won by the way, which made lots of the kids kind of grumpy :) On Thursday evening it was time for the end of term celebration and it was very emotional to say goodbye to the ones that will move on to high school. One of the girls held a speach and she started crying a bit - I'm not ashamed to say that I teared up too... But hopefully they'll come back to visit some time. Since we're such a small school (only about 40 pupils) we're like a big family in many ways... Now I'm just longing for my own summer holiday, which starts on Friday. It's going to be SO nice to have some time off when I can just relax, work a bit with some projects for our home and just have fun.
Speaking of fun: we had my sister and her husband over for dinner on Friday. We ate delicious food and played Mah-jong until late in the evening. She also brought some knitting needles that she didn't need. One of them was a circular knitting needle, that she'd tied together with a rubber band so that it looked like a heart. I couldn't help taking a shot of this and I liked how it turned out. I dedicate this shot to my knitting crazy sister :)
All the best to you and I hope that week 24 will bring many pleasant things! :)

I hope you had a great week!
My delphinium was in full bloom this week, but unfortunately it's been rainy. They are tall and delicate, so they don't hold up well to storms. This just means that I've been enjoying the stems inside this year. I have to pull of many petals to actually get the stem into a vase, but I can't throw them away, so there are bowls of them around the house as well. Since taking this picture in fact, there are even more!
I also spent a rainy Saturday going to a cousin's graduation. My parents stopped to pick me up on their way, so that was interesting riding in the back seat like a kid. Only I think I was MUCH better company now than when I was younger! =) Ben stayed home to watch the US play in the World Cup, but once we returned we all went out for Mexican food at the little place in our neighborhood. While we were there I was explaining to my parents why I like drinking the Mexican beer, Pacifico, with Mexican food. My mom out of the blue said "Mexican beer would NOT go well with Swedish meatballs!" I think I about died laughing at that. It's probably a true statement, but I was not expecting to hear it! Hahaha
I spent another rainy day on Sunday, in bed, with books and magazines and movies. I also spent it napping and eating cherries and walnuts. Things that all seemed strangely decadent, but it's hard to be motivated after so many days of rain. I know I'm lucky to enjoy such a lazy day.
Here's wishing us both sunshine!
Haha, I laughed when I read your mom's comment! Sometimes a simple sentence can be so funny depending on the situation :)
ReplyDeleteI so love your shot this week. Those flowers are just gorgeous the way the blues shift in tones... We had stormy weather too, but I let our flowers on the balcony be outside all the same. Now some of them look a bit weather beaten :)
Ps. I think your Sunday sounds just wonderful. Sometimes you really have to indulge yourself :)
Oooh, I can so sympathize with the student that cried. I always had the hardest time at the end of the year saying goodbye to my teacher. =)
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the equivalent of going on such a trip for those students would be in the US. How lucky to do such a fun thing! I think we only took daytrips to museums and plays.
I like that your sister is a crazy knitter. So is my mom. My crazy statement making mom. Haha! =)