Monday, July 5, 2010

Week 27

Hello Shanon!
I hope you are well and that you've had a lovely 4th of July weekend! I travelled to my mom on Monday and I've had a lovely time here all week. The weather has been so warm and sunny that I had to go sit in the basement once to get a bit cooler :) We've done lots of fun things here, like going out for coffee, shopping in interior decorating stores and shopping flowers for my mom's garden. They're re-doing their entire yard and they've put up a conservatory with some patio furniture where we've eaten breakfast many mornings. When I sit out there, sipping coffee, I really feel that that's life :)

Yesterday Martin and I went to an old manor house with a baroque garden with fruit trees. They have a really nice coffee shop there, but it was so incredibly hot (+30 C) that we left as soon as I'd shot some photos :) I thought of you when I was there, I think you would really like it! My postcard shows part of the orchard and one of the old houses on the premises. To me this is about as idyllic as it gets :)

Now I'm off to look at a movie with my family! :)

Have a lovely week, my friend!



Hiya Moa!
I hope you had a wonderful week!
This week we were suppose to go to the U2 concert here in the new football stadium (the Gophers' stadium) but a month or so ago Bono had a surgery, and the concert has been postponed. So no postcard pic of that! =)
(Now that I think about it, that concert was scheduled for a Sunday, so it would have been last week's postcard. That's the thing about summer, the weeks run together!)
On to this week then...
After 2 weeks of side pains (I can't believe it's been a year since that surgery! And a whole year since your lovely get well package! ) I was back to running again. I need some new running shoes, mine are worn down so far it's probably a hazard. Haha I so love going to the lake to run. That's the thing about Minnesota, there are lakes everywhere. Is Sweden like that?
I see everyone else wearing ipods while they walk or run around the lake, but I love hearing the birds, the waves, and the wind through the trees. I even enjoy catching pieces of conversation from other people. (I don't enjoy the people who walk and talk on the cell phones. That is unbelievable weird and annoying! But I digress.) Then we headed out of town for 5 days. It was the 4th of July weekend here, plus our anniversary also falls on the 4th, (Long story why! It's kind of a pain that it's the same day. I wouldn't recommend it.) so we spent the weekend in the country. I think laying on the dock with the waves splashing around us was the main activity on our anniversary. It was incredibly windy all weekend, but nice just the same at the lake. Watching the sunset, and the fireworks start up all along the shore was wonderful. (Except when we were driven inside by mosquitoes! It was a major attack! Hahaha)
It was all just really nice. What summer should be.
My postcard this week is of the sun streaming in at the cabin on Friday. I was making a sweet potato salad and had to grab the camera quick when the light starting dancing on the walls and floor. I thought you might like it. =)
Here's to another wonderful summer week ahead my friend!
p.s. I apologize for my bad writing style. I put so much in parentheses because I think too fast while I write. And I just write quite poorly in general. It probably does your head in to translate/understand me, especially on days like today! Sorry!


  1. Moa, that all sounds so wonderful. I wish I could come visit and do all those things too!

  2. Oh, I love how the sun shines on the rug. I'm a big fan of partially sunlit objects :) Sometimes those photos are tricky to get right because of the mixed light conditions, but you've managed just beautifully!

    I'm very impressed that you go running. I hate running but I do like walking, getting around to actually taking walks - that's another matter all together!

    Oh, I can follow your thoughts, despite the parentheses :) I think your so called digressions always follow the subject, perhaps our minds jump in similar ways, haha :)
